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Everything posted by Ratdude

  1. Brilliant, your detail belies its scale. I can see so much time and effort. I did some reading on the ship, I had no idea the ship was lost off the coast of Scarborough, maybe 60 miles from where I live.
  2. The toothpick now gives me an idea of scale. Wow that’s some intricate work there. Do you have images of the Bonhomme Richard project?
  3. Thanks SaltyScot, your comments make the effort worthwhile!.
  4. Thanks for the comments. The chain shot are actual musket balls, and the chain is from costume jewellery bought from a charity shop. The Swab bucket was painted black inside, then filled with clear 2 pack resin to replicate water. The Tampion is just turned oak with a Royal Navy uniform button set into it. The tools are certainly on the cards. I am sort of making it up as I go along. How did you get the Cork screw effect of the barrel tools, very effective. Are the shafts from bbq skewers?
  5. I have a 250 year old oak beam from a demolished barn, so I am doing a diorama of ships cannon
  6. Hi Mark, length is just over 300mm.
  7. Newbie hello. Hi everyone, so this is my first post. After several visits to the Royal Naval Historic dockyard in Portsmouth last year, the bug has really bitten me, and nearing retirement age decided on a new hobby. There seems to be a huge knowledge base here, so looking forward into broadening my basic skill set with you guys So I purchased a gun barrel on eBay which looks to be a Bronze casting. The Trunnions are not separate (part of the casting) The touch hole looks oversized, maybe drilled larger to stop it being functional? Strict UK gun laws make me think this was at some time a working, functional weapon, maybe a Signal cannon? Any info is greatly appreciated. Regards Kev.
  8. Newbie hello.

    Hi everyone, so this is my first post. 
    After several visits to the Royal Naval Historic dockyard in Portsmouth last year, the bug has really bitten me, and nearing retirement age decided on a new hobby.

    There seems to be a huge knowledge base here, so looking forward into broadening my basic skill set with you guys!



    1. Paul Le Wol

      Paul Le Wol

      Hi Kev, welcome to MSW. Good luck with whatever project you decide to start with. You will get more responses if you go to the New Members Forum and introduce yourself. Just go to the top of the page and click Browse > Forums > New Member Introductions.

    2. Ratdude


      Thanks Paul, Rookie mistake 🙃

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