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    Waterlooville Portsmouth
  • Interests
    R/C Yachts, Cars,Gliders, Diorama's

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  1. Hi every body, Thanks for the welcome, and to Nigel for giving me food for thought. As to modelling as a whole I am finding it increasingly harder to find a decent Model shop near me. A few weeks ago I needed some Balsa and other bits and pieces and had to travel about 40 miles to get what I required an 80 mile round trip. I mentioned to the salesman about this problem, and said half joking "Hope you're not thinking of closing" and he said that it might be about another 4/5 years and they would be gone. I asked why this was and he said that the youngsters today are not interested in modelling, they have their I-phones and tablets and game consoles and that the generation of modellers that are left are dying out. I came out of the shop quite depressed. I didn't think that the modelling world was declining that badly, I know we all shop on line a lot more but there are times when you need to see the product, like when you're buying timber. I don't want a snotty nosed youth in a warehouse tapping away on face book picking soft Balsa when I want hard, and lite ply all twisted and bowed. Have any of forum had this experience of Model shops closing like there's no tomorrow? (Modulator) I don't have the experience to put this post where it would be best seen. Regards to All Dave
  2. Hi Nigel, Thanks for all your helpful suggestions. I've read articles on the use of brushless motors for marine models and it seems that they are not so good at slow revs. So based on what you advised with the twin graupner 700bb turbo's do you think I would get away with a single 50 amp controller? And what size props would your recommend? Best regards and thanks again. Dave
  3. Hello everyone, Another relative newbi here. I've been a member of a couple of clubs in the past but although they say that they are friendly and welcome new comers, I've found they can be quite cliquey. I'm no wallflower, neither am I too forward and pushy so maybe it’s me. So I thought I would join your forum. The reason being like a lot of other modellers is that I need help and advise occasionally. I've always built and sailed RC yachts,but I would like to have a go at powered models. So When asked by my lovely wife what I would like for Christmas I said the 1/8th scale model Perkasa by Precedent. Sorry to be scouting all round the houses but feel the need to explain myself. I don’t want to screw up an expensive bit of gear by getting it wrong. So the question I would like to put to any of you fellow modeller’s is this. The model is 49” long, would it be wise to go for twin props. If twin props, would it be better to have them counter-rotate. . If so would a 50 amp controller be adequate for two 550 brushed motors that I was thinking of using? Or would a single prop be enough to put her up on the plane. Thank’s Dave
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