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About Tyleen

  • Birthday 08/27/1956

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  1. Thank you JPett! That will help out a lot and I also copied your comment about the bulkheads and will put it in my book so I will see it when I get there. You all are so helpful! I am thankful for this website. The guy at Model Shipways told me to come here if I had any questions. He said it was the best site to go to.
  2. Thank you Wayne! I will try the cross check an later maybe start a build log. Tyleen
  3. Hi all, My name is Tyleen umm I am new to ship building, actually I do not know anything about ships but I am fascinated by them. They are beautiful. I have built model cars before when I was much much younger and, being retired, I needed something to do other then playing computer games. Well after a long search on something to do I flashed accross Model Shipways site and fell in love. It took me a month to find the ship I wanted to try and fount the Privateer Rattlesnake. I just got the ship Rattlesnake today and I am really excited about getting started. I am trying to go over the parts lists and well seeing how I do not know what anything is I cannot tell what parts are what. I am good at following directions and I know this is going to be hard but I want to give it a try. Is there a site that shows what the parts look like or should I just look them up one at a time to see what they look like. I feel silly doing something I know nothing about but well I think I can do it...I hope...maybe hehe Also I am not sure if I am posting correctly or in the right spot. Please let me know if I have done something wrong.
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