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  1. Sorry, it was 24 hours between posts, not an hour. I will try elsewhere.
  2. Hi, I was hoping someone could provide a little guidance. I am new to the scene and may not have posted this to the correct topic or forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi I have started to read through the 'Simple Hull Planking Techniques for Beginners', and got as far as Chapter 7 - Fairing the hull From the photo below, do I have the temporary batten in the right place? I am finding the shape of this hull a bit complicated to get a natural line for the batten. Also, it mentions in the guide about carving out a 'rabbet line'. but the keel on this boat seems to not allow for this as the bulkheads run right to the bottom of the false keel. Is this something I need to worry about? Many thanks Philip
  4. Many thanks Chuck, I will read the Planking for beginners guide.
  5. Hello, Brief history - I am a complete novice to the interesting world of model ship building, and decided to take the plunge with what I have read to be a model for beginners. The model I have started to build is called a Constructo Carmen. I have been making relatively good progress, but I have now hit a seemingly impassable wall - Planking the hull. I just don't know where to start and the more literature I read the more confused I become. I was following a thread on this forum that gave a very details step by step builders account of planking, but this obviously no longer exists. Any help to start me off would be greatly appreciated. The instruction booklet provides the following images, but I am struggling on how to taper the planks to wrap neatly around the hull, and fit the stem and stern. This is how far I have got so far.. This image shows that the planks are not sitting correctly against the bulkheads, do I need to pad this out?
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