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  recently acquired this ship from an old friend who,s dad put it together up to the ringing and sails stage in 1984. He seems to have made a very good job up to this point, and i have been provided with the rest of the kit so thinking about trying to complete it. He seems to have prepared the sails for fitting but I have some doubts as to wether he has done this correctly hopefully you guys will tell me if i am right.

   I have attached some photo,s hopefully they will load ok. My doubts are that, the edges have been turned over and machined on the opposite side to the (tell- tale if that is the correct term) threads, and the sails then assemble on the spars so that the tell-tale threads would be at the front of the sails, surely this is wrong.

  On a slightly different note I notice that some of the Norske Love ships photographed have a tender on the deck and my plans do not show this, so are the latter ship models different from the early ones.




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