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   I have worked with Sapele planking strips On H.M.S. bounty & I like the colour but find it hard to find stores that stock it in the U.K, my second choice is Mahogany because it  looks similar in pictures but I have not physically looked at it, so can someone let me know if they are roughly the same colour. also is there any problems with cutting a taper with Mahogany



Hello Milo,


Antony (AntonyUK) posted a link for a UK outlet for timber:



I understand you want to physically look at the woods to see the difference. But maybe these links will help.

Keith (themadalchemist) posted a link to the Wood Database: http://www.wood-database.com/lumber-identification/hardwoods/persimmon/

Sapele: http://www.wood-database.com/lumber-identification/hardwoods/sapele/

African Mahagony: http://www.wood-database.com/lumber-identification/hardwoods/african-mahogany/

Honduran Mahogany: http://www.wood-database.com/lumber-identification/hardwoods/honduran-mahogany/




I have never worked with Sapele or Mahogany before.

So I can't help you with your taper question.


Maybe you can type in your question in the searchfield in the top right corner?


I'm sure you fill find some answers.


I hope this helps.



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo



   Anja thanks for your reply & good information, however I made my choice its Mahogany i went online to Cornwall model boats, I sent for it at 11.30 A.M  & received the Strips the following morning, I am happy with the colour Mahogany it is a nice red & similar to the Sapele bits of left overs that I have, the strips do cut nicely, I have brushed on a few coats of clear varnish & the colour is going a darker red/ brown, I now know why people think Mahogany is a dark wood including myself, its because they only see it when it is finished on furniture & boat rails ect  & not in its natural state

                                                            By for now Anja



Hello Milo,


Mahogany has indeed a nice color.

I'm glad it fits well with your left over Sapele bits.


And you are happy with it. That is the important thing.


Good luck.



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo

  • 7 months later...

Milo, when you used sapele how did it work for you? I have run across quite a lot of Sapele that could used for the framing if all goes well.

When I was getting my wood (from a dumpster) I noted that there was a smell I can't forget and the dust is not to healthy to breath in. But, then I didn't have a respirator with me, not a good idea.

  Sapele=50-60 24" pieces that are 24"

  Sapele = 65 or 75 pieces under 24"  the widths vary for 1/8", 1 1/2", height varies 1/8" x 1 3/4"

All were free and can get more of needed.

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