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Endurance by Chris D - Occre - 1:70

I built this model as a housewarming gift for my eldest daughter and her family. 


I was very pleased with the quality and design of the Occre kit. The wooden elements were very nicely made and the non-wooden components were well formed. The instructions for both the hull and rigging were well thought out and clear. I found the large collection of build videos on the Occre website to be particularly valuable.


It is a very enjoyable model to build, and it does not fight you.


It is the first wooden model that I have built in several decades, so the rust shows in some areas, but think this model is doable for people of limited experiece. I never experienced issues that made me want to throw up my hands in frustration.

  • Album created by Chris D
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2 Album Comments

Chris D


I have recently added 10 figures to my model of Endurance, and have uploaded 11 photos of them to this gallery. I ordered the figures from Holden8702 on Facebook. 

Mike Dowling


Lovely model,well done. Being something of a technophobe and not using facebook Can you tell me how much your figures were, what scale and does the person you got them from have an email address?

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