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Everything posted by Mundie

  1. All the measurements are good and match the drawings! I can't figure out why Hunt wants the 3/8" deck beam in 2 pieces; I did it the way the practicum stated but don't understand why? And I don't know where exactly to but the "stiffener?"
  2. Ok- it looks a little rough, but I just have a bit of fine tuning for the Knights head. Any advice before I glue?
  3. Ok, I just finished a degree at UB- and will have much more time to devote to this ship during the summer/ I just completed both filler blocks; I also purchased a Dremel 3000 Kit- this proved to be a wise investment.
  4. Ok, I finally found some time to form the filler/ I'm pretty sure this is close to the correct shape?
  5. I'm not sure how much of the block to sand/cut in order for bulkhead R and the filler block to align for planking? I have the templates but don't want to overdo it.
  6. I borrowed a scroll saw from a friend. I first made the long cut, then used a painters tape and made the next cut. Does anyone know how much I should round the edges that meet the outside of the counter?
  7. Thanks for the feedback everyone. /// Where on the bulkheads can I safely reinforce the space between the bulkheads that will not interfere with anything later in the building process?
  8. I'm about to attach the counter, I'm having a problem understanding exactly what needs to be beveled? Any pic or diagrams would help. The practicum is a bit hard to comprehend.
  9. Well, I added the word "debond" to my vocabulary and removed the word "debond" from my vocabulary in the same day. After 3.5 hours I removed the bulkheads. I misread the practicum and only checked the top of the bulkhead and did not trim the slots enough to slid the align the reference lines and epoxied before pre fitting the bulkheads. Opps, I won't be doing that again! J. Mundie Jr.
  10. I think I messed up? The bulkheads seem to be riding high? The practicum states to pay more attention to the top of the bulkheads evenness, rather then the lines.
  11. Anyone have any random advice before I attach the bulkheads?
  12. Ok, got side tracked for a bit. I beveled the bulkheads, and going to assemble and fine tune.
  13. Tom, I got it now; I just saw some people beveling the bulkheads after they were glued to the keel, that must be finetuning. Thanks, John
  14. Ok, I'm not sure about "beveling" the bulkheads? I have a practicum, but I need a visual or more detailed explanation. Please help.
  15. Hello everyone, I recently purchased the Modelshipways Constitution (MS 2040) and hope to keep it rolling along. So far so good.
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