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  1. thank you sir we do have titebond in our country i'll buy some and experiment with it
  2. @blue pilot thank you sir but i live in India and they dint seem to be offering shipping in my country @mtaylor i know its a stupid question but what is the difference between wood glue and thick ca
  3. Guys just one more thing which all glues would i be requiring MEDIUM THIN OR THICK
  4. thanks a lot guys i got what you guys are saying its a great hobby and i better not discourage my self with something to big and with less instructions thanks alot guys i'll order it soon
  5. thank you sir this was of great help in india there are not many into this hobby hence wanted to start with something easy to get a hang of it also sir if i may ask how are the two kits different (http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/cns/cns80566.htm) should this be a second project ?
  6. but which kit should i pick i have no idea as what would be a good kit if you guys can guide me to one i would be ever so greatful to you guys would this be a good kit http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/cns/cns80566.htm
  7. hey guys its great to be among you in this great place iam Raj from India iam new to this hobby and really attracted to it but what ever kit i see just daunts me down it looks way to much can you guys please help me to find a good starting kit i have never built one but would love to get started please help me find a kit which can help make me learn
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