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larry w

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About larry w

  • Birthday 02/02/1936

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  • Gender
  • Location
    bristol uk
  • Interests
  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL..............cheers Larry... Who was 78 on 6th Feb......................
  2. Hello Paul, a belated new year to you and family, been of the site for sometime hart problem have had pace maker fitted, so on the up.. cheers Larry...
  3. Hello Paul, I see you have been busy, i hope you are both well ,nice improvements on work shop, i bet Wallis is pleased, your attention to finish is like your modelling first class my self i am not to well , had little bit of a heart problem but under control with drugs Brenda sends her regards and is well, to the fellow modellers out there Paul is a fine host I am privileged to have dined in that kitchen and had a grand tour of the lovely home, and seen the old work shop , and Paul's collection of arms and his many other collection all modelled to museum standards, he is a man of many talents , and a good fellow ,....... will follow this build to the end,......cheers Larry......
  4. Hello Paul, Very smart work, great skills , my latest is a Chinese pirate junk, all scratch built ....cheers Larry..
  5. Good morning Paul, Thank you , Brenda and Harry also thank you , will keep viewing ..........Larry....
  6. Hello Paul, I have just caught up with your log on scharnhorst, , and new web site, i have not been well lately, problem with ticker,so modelling been a bit slow , but i have finished the trawler and had it on pool , went well , still finding attention detail jaw dropping , and photos first class cheers Larry...
  7. Hello Paul, build looking good , detail is bang on also first class photos, weather here in uk as been shocking , but better now so will be out there sailing.. cheers Larry............
  8. Hello Paul, Nice to your first class build , such fine detail ........lets hope the next govement improves the buses ..........Larry.....
  9. Good morning Paul, Coming on very well , back on line now with new computer.........Larry... and windows 7...
  10. Hello Paul, Nice to see you back, Larry here I had to re register , so have reload pictures of trawler , which, now on the water , with sound , see you later cheers Larry.......
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