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  1. Stage 1 complete. Matches well with the instructions but the errors in setting out will come home to roost!
  2. First time builder. Selected this particular model as it seemed a compromise between the kids stuff and the real thing. Very excited. Everything out of the box. You all know how it is. Spent some time reading instructions and studing plans. Realised there were some gaps in the information. The plans include a longitudinal section but not a cross section of the hull. Luckily noticed GuntherMT on this forum so am following his lead, although at a much slower pace, as his comments answer some of my anticipated problems. Frames now fixed to false keel, probably sbould have ensured they were at right angles, but hoping for the best. Had the same problem with aligning the top of the frames with the false keel, decided to make them align by adjusting the depth of the slot on the frames. I hope this does not compromise the planking. Avoided the misplacement of the aft wedges as there is a gap shown on the section [although why I do not know, it must be easy to make the piece the right shape]. Step 1 nearing completion.
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