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About GM2SW

  • Birthday December 14

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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Interests
    MMA, Gunsmithing, and now Ship-Building

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  1. Yes, there is a line through it. Damn Navy has ruined understanding things for me. That's always been a zero so that you wouldn't confuse it with an "o". So, the mast should be 5mm wide by 240mm long?
  2. Can somebody break this down and tell me what it says, because the idea of a 0 thickness makes no sense to me: It's supposed to go thickness x length x width From the Parts List: The mast 0 5x240 Now, it's not 0,5 (like .5mm) ((the other parts would say 1,5 for 1.5mm)). So how can the mast have a 0 thickness?
  3. Brian, the Warrior is a beaut, but the fact that the primary reason it was build had to do with a pissing contest with France is hilarious. She looks like a fun build. The more i look into all of these, the more I realize that I may go for one of the Chris Watton designs. I'd love the Bismarck one day, but boy is that a pricey endeavor.
  4. Brian, I saw your build in progress, and I can neither confirm or deny that I wiped a salty tear of pride and awe as I looked at the pictures.
  5. Very interesting. I saw this too, and the plans for the Chris Watton, Amanti HMS Revenge, which I'm super excited about. Thanks
  6. Puckotred - I do like that vessel, but not so keen on the RC portion (lots of wasted dollars for me just to build a static model). Though it is very nice. Thank you! Mtaylor - Hmm, I definitely see where you are coming from. I honestly haven't given it that much though. I do like the idea of a large scale vessel for the ease of detail (and most likely will head in that direction), but there is something about finishing a model that takes up the entire mantel that just makes it seem so perfect. Who knows, maybe one day, I'll just build a real ship haha. Thank you for your input. Any idea as to the largest SCALE model available for kit build?
  7. Hey, I'm just curious as to what the largest kit model would be. It would be great if there was some in the 50-60" (1270-1524mm) range. I think my "ultimate kit" build before starting a scratch build would be something large scale. As far as I know the HMS Victory and HMS Surprise by Artesania Latina are the biggest prefabricated kits (both around 1250-1300mm long). There's always the famed USS Constitution, which is around 900-ish mm. Any ideas, and specifically, for the kits mentioned, sources of best quality parts and instructions (Artesania Latina is terrible at English translations ((thank God for pictures)).
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