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Daniel Dusek

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Everything posted by Daniel Dusek

  1. Hello All, I would like to inform you that we will be closed in days 8.1-18.1.2016. All orders will be shipped after this date. Best regards Daniel
  2. Thanks for all the info Ed, It is not hot issue as I work now on another projects but I will write you if I will decide to do this project. Daniel
  3. Hello Ed, Thanks. Is there also some masting and rigging plans? Best regards Daniel
  4. Thanks Mike Don, I also work on the Statenyacht, below is the 3D model of figurehead but I have some problems with 3D printer and I am waiting for its repair now. When it will be repaired I will post photos of printed figurehead Daniel
  5. Thanks Etcher, I will send you the kit just tommorow, I hope you will enjoy with the kit. For inspiration i recommend to look on Dirk (Dubz) building log No problem Ulises Victoria, I did not know that it is the same in Spanish, at least I am little more wise now Daniel
  6. Thanks Guys, Nigel-Yes, I plan to make also copper tiles. Ed Saur, Ulises Victoria-At this moment it is hard to write what models will be next, it also depend on quality of sources (mainly quality of plans), but I would like to do De Zeven provinzien after the Santisima as I wrote earlier. But parallel to this big kits I everytime work also on some smaller projects (as Dutch statenyacht for example). Daniel
  7. Thanks Nigel, Acually I use exactly what you recommend-the marks on the frames for exact positions of the more important plans (planks with gun ports). The planking will be done in three steps: 1) red planks (around gun ports) 2) blue planks -these planks could be adjust or fill if it is need, because they will be not visible (planks under wales) 3) wales-black planks, the wales overlap the blue planks as it is shown in the picture This system should guarantee exact planking above the waterline. Daniel
  8. Hello Guys, Thanks for your comments. Richard, the planks on the deck will be engraved, and it look similar like the caulking as you wrote, you can see it for example on my model of Nuestra Senora (picture below). Actually also the planks of the hull was caulked similar like decks, it is visible for example on Batavia ship: https://gretavanderrol.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/bowsprit-crop.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/20110417_Lelystad%3B_Batavia_Haven_12_ship_at_Batavia_Harbour.JPG I use pear wood for the second planking as it is the best possible material for that, it is not dark but very easy for staining (The model of Dutch yacht in this thread is also planked by pear wood and then stained into darker tone). So for this reason I do not think it is need to sand all the char. And I prefer to make the model colored so in that case there is absolutely no problem with the char. Boyd, you are right that any variation of shape could lead to problem with exact fitting of planks but I think these problems could be only on the hull under the waterline due to quite simple shape above the waterline but the hull under waterline should be copper sheathing, so there is no problem to use putty. Anyway, there will be no problem to offer standard wooden strips instead of second laser planking . Best regards Daniel
  9. Hello, I made some progress on Santisima Trinidad. Last week I finish second layer of planking on 3D model. In this kit all planks (both first and second layers) will be cut by laser for as easy as possible assembly. I hope I will be able to post some photos of prototype before the end of year. Best regards Daniel
  10. Hello, There are only two days of Chrismas sale. Last chance to save 30% on all goods in stock. Discount code: CHRISTMAS SALE 2015 The discount code is valid only to the end of Sunday 6th December. Best regards Daniel Dusek
  11. Thanks guys, Yes J.P. with this sale the CAD is on the same price like EUR before sale Best regards Daniel
  12. Hello all, Just only last week of Christmas sale. Get 30% off on all goods in stock. Discount code: CHRISTMAS SALE 2015 The discount code is valid only to the end of Sunday 6th December. Best regards Daniel Dusek
  13. Hello, Kevin Omland from Oyster Bay, NY USA sent us photo of building stave church Gol in 1/87 scale with some notes from building. Although its not ship model i think it is very nice work, if you are interested you can see it here: http://dusekshipkits.com/stave-church-gol1 Best regards Daniel Dusek
  14. Hello all, Christmas Sale is here. Get 30% off on all goods in stock. Use this discount code in shopping basket: CHRISTMAS SALE 2015 The discount code is valid only to the end of Sunday 6th December. Best regards Daniel Dusek
  15. Yes, I will try to keep the updating of progress on both of the projects . Daniel
  16. The scale of Santisima Trinidad is 1/72. The box on the top is originally reinforcement of the hull during building but Nigel Brook notify me on this forum that it would be also great for putting it upside down as you wrote so in production version I will make it little higher for this purpose Daniel
  17. Hello All, As I promised here are some photos of the prepared kits Santisima Trinidad (after aplication of filler and sanding first planking) and Dutch Statenyacht. The Santisima Trinidad is my biggest project, length of only hull is almost 90cm. In these kits will be all planks of first planking cutted by laser for easier build. best regards Daniel Dusek
  18. I also hope that I will find some time this week to make some photos of new kits which I prepare now-Ducht Statenyacht and Santisima Trinidad. Best regards Daniel Dusek
  19. Then I tried to make some figurines of sailors in 1/72 scale. I hope I will be able to prepare some figurines for resin production, here are some pictures of virtual model and printed one, height of the figure is 25mm.
  20. Hello All, Last two weeks I tried to do some sculptures for the new kit-Dutch Statenyacht. I decide to try to learn work in 3D sculpting software-SCULPTRIS and then to print in on 3D printer. As I found the SCULPTRIS is superb software for that and it is free, here is the link: http://pixologic.com/sculptris/ On the lictures you can see the SCULPTRIS virtual model of fish sculpture and result from 3D printer.
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