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Posts posted by Alander

  1. Steve,

    Thanks for the suggestions. The funny part is that I've actually placed an order for the replacement parts about 1/2 hour before reading your response. Based on what what you've said, it looks like I'll be fine. In won't actually even try to straighten the two masts and the yard and will just wait for the replacement parts to arrive. I have also requested the deck, but mentioned, that if they will require me to send the complete kit back to them, to send the masts and the yard only. I've just begun working on the kit and it'll be a while before I get to the rigging. This will be my very first model but looking at all the information gathered from all the great modellers on this (and the finescale) forums, I feel like I know what to do. The results... well, we'll need to wait and see, and it'll definitely take a long while. Btw, your Pinta and Nina models are the ones that actually inspired me to starting with Santa Maria. I wish I could see your completed Santa Maria as well, since I don't believe you've completed posting yor progress on this one. In any case, thanks again for all the great feedback. I love these forums =)

  2. Hi guys

    I'm about to begin working on my very first model - Revell's Santa Maria. Upon opening the package I've found bunch on Warped / crooked parts. Some yards (I hope I got the name right) and the deck (partial warp). I believe I can make the deck work, but the yards are pretty bad... Any pointers as to what's the best way for making them straight? Would hot tap water work or is there a better way of bringing them back to their original shape? Thank you in advance.

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