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Everything posted by Glencannon57

  1. Hi Brian Thanks for stopping in. I have not had a lot of time lately but it will be great to have someone to bounce questions off about the specific kit . I have had to do a fair bit of shimming the bulkheads trying to get a level,surface for the deck. If you have the chance you might want to check the curvature of the deck portion of the bulkheads against each other before glueing them onto the keel. Were you going to do a build log? Glen
  2. Hello Frankie; Thanks for the advice, got that done just now. Was away from internet a couple of days. Think I have what I need to get the deck layed out for now, though I will for sure have more questions. Regards; Glen
  3. Hi Frankie Thanks for the encouragement! Yes, the books are an engaging read, since I have found them I am always reading one of them alongside anything else I might read. I started with the Hornblower series which I greatly enjoyed and also,re-read all the time. I have received great advice here, this is my first build. I did start a log. I am waffling over the brass cannons. They are six pounders and the Aubrey series talk about him having two personal long guns of endlessly polished brass, 9 pounders I think. Part of me wants to,leave them in brass as they came, part of me thinks that it makes the ship look like a toy. I have 8 to,play with,,I am going to order Carronades to replace all but the two. Will try both to see how they look. Thanks again! Glen
  4. My thanks to both of you gentlemen, will incorporate your advice and seek the articles. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Glen
  5. Hi Thanks for the information. I tried to find a way to access the journal article you mentioned, but must be missing something. Is there a way to access it and buy it online or would I have to buy the archive CDs? I was aware that both subjects were fictional. Can you advise me of the most glaring clipper misrepresentations in the Harvey? I am going to go forward with her, but perhaps I can make her closer to what she should be? She is really a first practice build for me, with the AL Surprise next. I am using the Harvey to learn how to build a ship model so it will definitely not be a museum piece but I would like to get in the neighbourhood,of what O'Brian had in mind. Thanks Glen
  6. Thank you again. Can you advise me, should I be putting a couple of stern ports as well then, or would this be a "field" modification as needed? I recall in one of the books he has the carpenter chop up the stern of a larger ship to point the guns rearward. Would that be the likely situation on the tender as well? Glen
  7. Thanks again, really appreciate this. So would I then mount 4 Carronades and 1 long gun on each broadside , plus 2 bridle ports in the bow pointing forward for use as needed? Also, in this case would the long guns still be in the foremost position each side? As you say she is fictional but I am glad for your advice to make her plausible. Glen
  8. Thanks very much for that! The guns were apparently 12 pound Carronades and 6 pound long guns as you suggest. Can I ask further about placement, would they have been pointed pretty much straight ahead in the bows? Thanks also for the information on the roundhouses, glad to hear it because I think she will look much better without them. Thanks very much again for the fast reply. Glen
  9. Hello Wonder if someone could offer some advice. Building HMS Harvey, a Bltimore Clipper, as the Ringle from the Aubrey series. They mention an armament of 8 Carronades and 2 long guns in the books. The kit came with 8 cannons. I will replace these with aftermarket Carronades. Can anyone tell me where on the deck would be a logical placement for the long guns? Would they have been bow or stern chasers or somewhere amidships? Also there are two "outhouses" fairly prominently on the foreword deck, is the a realistic placement? I have read that most clipper layouts are fictional and wonder if this is an aspect of that. Thanks in advance Glen
  10. Hello all; this is my first wooden ship build ever, I have the Artesania Latina Harvey in 1:50, I am going to build it and call it the Ringle as a companion to my next build, which will be the same companies HMS Surprise in 1:48. I have a couple of questions I would love to ask, firstly the "ships of Jack Aubrey" website lists the ringle as having 2 6 pound long guns and 8 12 pound carronades. The Harvey kit comes with 8 Cannons, no mention of the size but I believe I can pass 2 of them off as the 6 pounders. I will get the Carronades aftermarket, and they should be about 3/4"" length or 20 mm to represent 12 pounders in 1/48 from what I can find. Can anyone advise what position the 6 pound cannons would likely be placed at? I have skimmed the books again and don't find a reference to them, but would appreciate a knowledgeable opinion where a captain of that age would have placed them. Bow or stern chasers? Midships? Any help appreciated. I have started by setting the bulkheads into the keel in order, most of them were lower than the upper keel line. I glued a shim of wood in the crotch of the bulkhead opening ( sorry for the inelegant description, hope my nautical volcabulary improves as I go along) and then sanded them so the bulkheads were flush sitting. Tried to ensure they were square using a clamp and two small squares with the ruling edge removed. Found out then that the keel is not a smooth progression along the top of it, so some sanding will be needed. Here are a couple of images of what I have so far. Would greatly appreciate knowing if I have done anything wrong to this point. Is there a way to put the images in sequence with the text, or should I put the text and image as separate postings to keep them together? Thanks once again and it is a joy to have found this community and resource. Glen
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