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    Columbia, SC
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    Photography, on-line gaming, fresh water aquariums

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  1. March 4, 2013 Work has begun in earnest. I made a couple of compromises to determine the CL. I assumed that the carving machine was not as far off as my own measurements supposed. I read somewhere on this forum about the explanation why there are a couple of marks for station 4. If someone knows why, please let me know. Just can't find it with the new forum. I decided to go ahead and glue the deck templates so i would have a good idea how much wood would need to be removed at the deck line. I started at station four and worked forward. This time the Dremel sat idle. I did all sanding by hand with a course grade of paper, fitting the templates frequently. No unsightly gouges this time....so far. The only issue I still can't resolve to my satisfaction is not being able to get the CL on the templates to match up with both the deck and keel CL. I'm close but I'd like to be "on target." I'm off by about 1/16" at most. After I work the forward sections some more, I start on the aft sections. Again, suggestions, ideas and critiques are more then welcome.
  2. This is Sultana "Re-Deux". I started my 1st Sultana right after Christmas. Due to several mistakes, I decided to order a replacement hull from MS. It took them quite a while but I finally got it this week. I am following Chuck Massaro's practicum plus all of the tips that I have picked up from the rest of you all. I am gratefull. This time, I will take my time. As shown, I have done away with the bulwarks. I have "attempted" to mark the centerline. After much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, I think I have come pretty close. This is actually the third or fourth attempt to get a line that looks pretty good. I used a jig that I copied from one of you builders with a centering ruler. The deck went fairly well. Marking the keel and the bow was another story. Getting the keel line to match up with the deck line was tricky too. When I look at the deck line from stern to stem, it's straight. But when I eye it from stem to stern, the forward deck line looks to veer to the right. I think it's an optical illusion. If anyone knows of a solid technique to establish the CL, I sure would like to talk to you. It's been a while since I have built a wooden ship. Twenty or so years to be somewhat exact. So I welcome any and all suggestions, ideas and critiques.
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