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John Cheevers

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Newport News, Virginia
  • Interests
    wood, iron, and steel engine powered ships from 1880 to 1939

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  1. John, 


    Was just looking through some posts and saw that one of your builds was the Dorothy.  I have always thought I would like to tackle that someday and have all of the books that I know of on the Dorothy but no plans.  Did you obtain a nice set of plans for this? 


    I am located in Roanoke but was very close to some of your members in the past, both of which are now gone.  Marvin Bryant and Tom Tragle.  Did you know these folks?





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bill Tuttle

      Bill Tuttle



      I thought I sent you an e-mail regarding this after finding the reply this weekend but who knows? I may have failed to send it.  Marvin and Tom were both close friends and I used to visit with Marvin when he went to see his daugher at Radford College.  Tom was a great help to me in my early years of modelmaking encouraging me to build from scratch.


      I am impressed with your Dorothy and would love to have more info and pictures of your progress if available.  I would also be interested in copies of the plans.  I assume this was bread and butter construction.  I would gladly pay for any charges to reproduce the plans.  I have searched high and low for more info on this and have accumulated some of the publications but no success with any plans.  


      I hope this e-mail reaches you, I have no idea what happened to the last one I sent you.  I have been a member of this group for years but not much of a participant and I am lacking in some of the technical skills on this group.  Sorry for the long winded reply.

    3. John Cheevers

      John Cheevers


      I saw your email yesterday. I am about a week from finishing the model--delivery is Friday 7/19. The model hull is bread and butter and carved 35 years ago or so. The deck house is one piece of pine which I did as an experiment in shaping wood in 3 dimensions. the rest is standard scratch construction. All scratch except the ports, the prop, and the sheaves.


      I have a set of plans in 1/4"=1' scale which you are welcome to. 


      087 a.jpg

    4. Bill Tuttle

      Bill Tuttle



      Thanks for the quick reply.  Didn't mean to badger you over this but couldn't find evidence of my last e-mail.  Get back to me when you have a few minutes and I will give you an address for the plans and any other info you have available.  Anxious to see the final results, looks like a retirement gift and should be very well appreciated.  



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