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Everything posted by greyhawk

  1. Del Prado went bust about 10 years ago. Which really is for the better. I snatched up an old Cutty Sark of theirs on Ebay and immediately binned it. I've never seen worse before or after. Then, because I'm an idiot, I snatched up their dollhouse. With the exact same results.
  2. Hachette offer different partworks in different countries. The Scharnhorst for example is German exclusive right now. U96 first was German exclusive, then was released in France and the UK. There's a lot of Hachette partworks in Italy that are never released in other countries. It's a big mess really. I don't think they deliver to the US at all. Regarding the magazines they give background info relating to the topic at hand. For instance for Scharnhorst their are sections on her build and day-to-day operation, the missions she was involved in, but also sections on other important battleships at the time, maritime warfare in general and so on. For the Stuka and Tiger it was the same, but involving air and tank warfare obviously.
  3. Thanks for the info. I'll look out for that. yves, believe me, with all my other builds going on, I'm far from bored. There's always more work to be done on this beauty (Gorch Fock "2")
  4. Scharnhorst issue 48 Second planking of the hulls sides continues from midships towards the stern. Bit boring, the next one is going to be much more interesting.
  5. I really should weigh her sometime soon. She's darn heavy especially with all that MDF inside. Scharnhorst issue 47 The next batch of second planking goes up on the sides of the hull from the fore ship to midships.
  6. Scharnhorst issue 46 A short one. Just adding a bit of external details to the forward structures.
  7. Yeah, planking without shift patterns is really feeling weird the first time you do it, but it's pretty standard in this type of model. With Amatis Titanic they even fill up the entire mid section in one go with a single big sheet of wood. I may do that one after the Scharnhorst, it's in the basement waiting for a free wharf.
  8. Scharnhorst issue 45 We start at the sides of the bow with the second planking. These strips are a bit wider and longer than the ones used for the first planking and close up the gap to the plastic parts heightwise for the most part.
  9. Scharnhorst issue 44 We get to cover and kit out in brass the port side of the forward deck structures.
  10. Scharnhorst issue 43 We close up the last hull section. First planking is now finished apart from the small strip right below the deck, which will be dealt with at a later date.
  11. There is indeed another 1,5 mm layer of planking coming. After the second layer is on, the wood will very slightly loom over the plastic parts, so then its just a matter of sanding things level.
  12. Scharnhorst issue 42 We finish planking the rest of the the fourth hull segment. This marks the 30% done spot, so let's have another look at everything built so far.
  13. Scharnhorst issue 41 A short and deceptively easy one. We continue with planking in the forward section of the ship. The manual fails to mention it, but we need to give all the planks a slight upward twist so they follow the line of the deck above.
  14. Scharnhorst issue 40 As announced we're taking a short break from planking. Instead the port side of the forward deck structure is kitted out with brass. As you can see fit is not perfect, but with a bit of filler this should close up nicely.
  15. Scharnhorst issue 39 A big step ahead. We get to plank the entire third hull section. With about 110 strips layed down in the last two issues next weeks intermission is going to be quite welcome.
  16. Not too far off now. The entire hull (minus citadel armor) will be done by issue 43.
  17. Scharnhorst issue 38 Closing up the second hull section. Nothing much to say about this really.
  18. Scharnhorst issue 37 Time for an intermission. We get to take a break from the planking marathon to fit a first batch of photo etch to the forward upper deck structures.
  19. Thanks popeye Scharnhorst issue 36 We start planking the second section of the hull. Now that we know HOW planking is done, the instructions speed up things a bit and so we lay down about double the amount of strips then we did in the sessions before.
  20. Scharnhorst issue 35 Finishing up planking of the middle section of the hull, we learn how to cut strips to size so they will fit in gaps. Afterwards all the nails are pulled and the planked section is given a once over with sandpaper to smooth it. We've reached the 25% landmark in the build, so it's time to have another look at the whole thing put together so far.
  21. If this was my only project of this scope, then I'd probably run out and do this. As it is, this is only of several megaprojects, so I'm not going to run out of things to do soon
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