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Posts posted by webo1967

  1. Dear Caroline,


    Many thanks for responding. The deck is now complete and sanded ready for first two coats of thinned varnish. I'm quite happy with the outcome and used cocktail sticks for the tree nails. A little bit of run from the pencilling to achieve the caulking effect, but sanding has helped minimize the appearance. Now I'm just getting ready to apply the bulwarks, which seem a little out of alignment at the moment so have been working the sanding block to ensure as best fit as possible.


    Have really enjoyed the build to date and am already thinking about my next build. This forum has been absolutely awesome however for helping this novice get this far and I feel as well prepared as I can be to start the planking, which actually I'm really looking forward to!


    Many thanks again for your feedback.





  2. Hi Caroline,


    I am into my first week of extensive research as I start my first ever wooden ship build on the SF2. I have read a lot of build logs in preparation for my start, however I was very impressed with your build log. You mentioned you later found out that your decking pattern was not accurate. I was planning a 3-step pattern, based on 78 mm planks, stepped every 26 mm. Is this appropriate, or based on what you subsequently learned, would you recommend a different pattern.


    Kind Regards,



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