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Everything posted by BobSki

  1. Cool, I'll be fine than
  2. Well, I'm my wife is of Irish decent, does that count? I've cut a pressed board (B&Q shelf) 50cm x 25cm which I intend to use as my build board/ keel jig. I'll open up a build log in the appropriate place.
  3. ROFL, In that case, my build should turn out that good that I expect Her Majesty's R.N. will be calling me up to enlist her
  4. Oh my word, what have I done! There was a knock at the door at 7pm this evening and a young lady gave me a large box. In it were several other boxes, the main one being my first ever wood ship kit by Caldercraft, called "Convulsion". Unfortunately Cornwall Model Boats were out of stock of the needle files I'd ordered so these were not present so I'll have to get some elsewhere. However, it would appear I now have to get cracking with making a work board and jig etc. I've got one or two things to do before I start on this but I should be taking my first steps in wooden ship building in the next week or so.
  5. Oh bloody hell............. Someone one has just spent £161 from my account ☺️
  6. Hehe, I could set a place like that up but it would be in my garage. I have two work benches set up in there already. The car has room to fit in the middle. one bench I use for my bullet making, the other I have set up next to a table saw and on the bench I have a chop saw, pillar drill, 6" grinder, 16" scroll saw and a belt/disc sander. Above this I have a couple of shelves. However, I'm rather hoping to do most of the work in the comfort of either my dining room (we never eat at the table) or our spare room, which currently has two desks in it and I used to use it as my computer games room. As I don't play computer games much these days, I might just clear the desk off and use it as my assembly bench.
  7. Cheers Mark, will do All the best Bob
  8. I've sent an email to jotika asking if the additional PE set is duplicating parts already in the kit.
  9. Hi guys, I haven't ordered the kit yet, I'm exercising PATIENCE And trying to ensure I make the right decisions before I push the buy button. The Gorilla glue I have is like cyano acrylate or super glue.
  10. Patience is a virtue, find it if you can, seldom in a woman NEVER in a man!
  11. Oh, well, at least I'll have a nice brass tool to lay on the bench and look technical with
  12. Wow, I might not be able to see the tree nails very well, but boy, that hull looks sweet Thanks for the tip re the hair curlers too, all I need to do now is grow some hair so the Admiral will see a use for them Proportional dividers now on their way. I ordered a vintage brass set in a wooden box from the bay of E for just £15 they even have the broad arrow stamp of the war dept on them. Moore & Wright 0-1" micrometer also in the pipeline
  13. Firstly thank you all for your help and advice, it is greatly appreciated and I can't thank you enough. I read the PDF documents regarding tools to avoid and also handy tools to start with, which is where I got some of my ideas. I've got a fair bit of white wood glue. Evostick do an impact adhesive this side of the pond. It bonds immediately on contact and is good for wood, mdf etc. so I'll get a tin of that. I want a glue that will stand the test of time, I don't want bits of the model to start dropping off after a few years. I guess I can make sanding sticks and blocks to suit the task as I go along. I'll definitely buy a proportional divider and small micrometer, the latter will be useful for my bullet making work too. I'll leave the chisels for now and buy quality ones as and when I need them. My xacto type hobby knife would be the Duratool hobby knife set I mentioned. It is this one http://cpc.farnell.com/duratool/d00298/35-piece-hobby-knife-craft-set/dp/TL10507?CMP=CPC-PLA I'll leave the plank bender. My wife has a "Pink Pig" hot air tool that she uses for her crafting activities and I could borrow that. I also have a variable temp heating iron, the type used to apply solar film to model aircraft. Both of those sound like they'd be suitable. Thanks for the suggestion on drill sizes, I'll them along with a pin vice for the as the Drexel may prove too large for some applications. I have never seen The incra tiny t rule before, I'll try and find one in the UK. Small hammer and nails I had discounted as I had read that people don't nail the planks but rather use modelling pins, should I re consider that? I read a long and complicated thread on here last night regarding what is "entry level". It seemed to boil down to not so much the level of work involved but rather the quality of the plans and instructions provided. I settled on Caldercrafts Convulsion because it was a fairly small project that had double P.O.B, Had only 2 masts with rigging and of course, carried armament, which of course for any guy that hasn't grown up is an absolute must
  14. Hi gents, I have decided to take the plunge and start building my first wood kit . Having looked at the kits available I have decided that the Caldercraft Mortar Vessel Convulsion would be a good place for me to start. I have considered making my purchases from Cornwall model boats, as their prices seem to be more affordable. Below are the items I am considering buying to get started. THE KIT HM Mortar Vessel Convulsion 1804 1:64​ Mortar Vessel Convulsion Brass Photo-etch Set, 1:64 Scale PAINT AND PAINTING HM Mortar Vessel Convulsion Paint Set​ Flat matt admiralty varnish (to seal the knots on the rigging) Admiralty 4 piece paint brush set (any suggestions as to whether there are better ones available) ​I do have an Iwata air brush but I haven't used it yet. THE GLU​E I already have White PVA glue and also some Gorilla glue (super glue) but I'm not sure how many different types of glue I should get or which type of glue should be used on the different types of joint. THE TOOLS TO BE BOUGHT I've looked at the ​tools to avoid and starter tools pdf files Tamiya Masking Tape Refill 10mm​ (Is there a particularly good masking tape I should get?) Modelcraft Electric Plank Bender (240V) (Is the Amati one any better?)​ Double ended pin vice (what would the most useful drill sizes be?) Headband Magnifier + 4 Lenses (my eyes aren't as good as they used to be)​ Set of 5 Diamond Needle Files (the ones with the Red handles)​ ​Safety Rule (I'm 58 yrs old and quite like the fact I still have all my fingers) Pick-up tool Tweezer set (4pc stainless steel) TOOLS ARLEADY OWNED variable speed Dremel set of Duratool knives, blades, sanding block and planes but I'm wondering if I should get a Swann-Moreton set instead. 6" steel rule 12" steel rule Steel Depth guage with protractor Dual reading dial caliper SIP Table saw SIP Bench pillar drill 6" bench grinder SIP belt/disc sander scroll saw Will I need any wood carving chisels? For the rigging I'm thinking of either trying to get hold of industrial large eyed sewing needles to make the tools, or just buy some. WORK TOP We have a marble "lazy Susan" in the cupboard which we don't use and the wife has suggested I could use that as a revolving work table upon which I could put a home-made keel clamp which I will make from wood angle iron and 2 large nylon spring clamps. So are there any glaring omissions that I would need to buy to build my model.? Any suggestions on the above before I place my order would be gratefully received. All the best Bob
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