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  1. Vintageone,   I saw your request for info on a boat model by the Ferris Model Boat Co posted a couple of days ago, but was traveling and couldn't get back to you then; when I tried to respond the message had apparently been moved or removed.


    Anyway, I can't help with the Ferris Model Co, but my father had a boat very similar to what you described from the early 30's through about 1946.  The boat was called a "Rumson Bay Knockabout"; she was a gaff rigged centerboard sloop, about 22'- 24' long, and rather wide for her length, but she was fast and won his Yacht Club's annual trophy several times.  I was very young at the time so my detail memory is lacking, but if you decide to  build the model, I have several photos of it that I could scan and send to you should you want them.


    Elder Jim




    1. vintageone


      Hi Jim,That is so neat,I would love to see pics. Thanks,Dave

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