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Everything posted by Angelwr

  1. Jajaja, thank you very much!
  2. Current state of the Roar Ege, Viking Billing Boats ship. I just have to make the sail and rigging. Perhaps I have been too dark... Accepted suggestions
  3. Well, this is the life boat from the San Juan Nepomuceno. Project completed, I don't know if it is the site from put it, but there it is. Best regards Ángel
  4. Thank you very much for the information. My problem is the vision periferical, very reduced, however I have enough visual acuity.
  5. Impressive work! Unfortunately I can not undertake certain projects. In my country I am considered as a blind man (I am retired therefore). I still have some visual acuity, but I can't do certain things. It is life!
  6. Thank you loupy45, I'm building the little boat of the San Juan, it is soon to finish it, now looks just as well
  7. I'm going to show you my ships :), and hope to continue with this hobby for a long time. First, the Swift (Artesanía Latina) made in 1999 Next, The San Francisco (Artesanía Latina) Begun in 2000 and finished in 2016. The work and family have kept the project frozen for 14 years Next, Boat Captain Nelson from the Agamemnon, (Disarmodel) Made at the end of 2016. The last, this arabian sambuk from Corel, finished recently. Now making the boat of the San Juan Nepomuceno (Artesanía Latina), and preparing the Roar Ege from Billing Boats. Its all
  8. Thanks!
  9. Thank you, Ulises. private message in spanish.
  10. Thank you, I have already used several hours on the internet, but I have not found anything about it. I just want to know, at the moment, which is system of mounting plate, gluing the planes. Sure someone has done some model with this system.
  11. Hi, I am pleased to be here, among so many colleagues of hobby. I'll start the Roar Ege, from Billing Boats, and I would ask if someone can show me a video tutorial, because I can not understand how the keel is available on a Board and then placed the formers, thank you. I'm sorry, if the translation is not good.
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