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About jthemanjack

  • Birthday 06/04/1967

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    Royal Tunbridge Wells,England
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  1. I saw you post that you have some spare parts for the Constitution.  I am looking for schematic drawing that should have accompanied the set. I have step by step direction but not the schematics.  Can you help?


    Mamoli Constitution spare parts

    1. jthemanjack


      Just checked and there are the step by step instructions 1-15 ... 8 sheets , a 'general instructions for correct assembly of the model ' pamphlet and lastly two 90cm-130cm overviews marked A and B, A shows the ship in profile, five cross sections and a stern view and B is more of a companion to the instructions showing an overview of the ship in profile and an overhead view .  Both the latter need some TLC in the form of some sticky tape , but both are still legible . Happy to send .

    2. BruceWayne426


      I know that this is a long shot but thought I would check. I am working my way through a Mamoli Constitution build and wondering if you still have spare parts. I am needing the parts to make the grates found on the deck below the life boats. I messed up in cutting these and am now short of enough pieces to make the last four sections required to fill the sections below the boats. The parts look like this:



      You can email me at brucelinafelter@gmail.com.



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