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Everything posted by Blacky

  1. Thanks @brunnels it looks just right. I saw that @Beckmannused ebony and ivory to make tiles but for something that will be seen through small windows is to me too much. I want furniture and walls to be the stars of the show.
  2. I have a question for you all. What do you think is the best idea to.make chechered cabin floor? I want it to be black and white like on victory, and to be durable, not to loose its color over time. I was thinking, printing pattern on paper and spraying thin layer of satin warnish over it.
  3. Trying to complete all the furniture before i start working on gun deck. I made all i wanted for nelson's cabin. Moving to furniture for officers room below captains. I reworked chairs. Now the back side is narrow compared to front and legssupport is curved like the real ones. I also beveled table edge and corrected legs angle. Small drower completes the set.
  4. I spend last week figuring out lighting for cabins and upper deck. I will use arduino nano and led diodes. Testing out if all works and setting light intensity. I also plan to use light sensor so i can have automatic light on in the evening.
  5. Another day, another chair. This time i tried even more detailed model. I used yellow cedar in addition to pear for this one. It is as thin as it could be and fits perfect with the desk. Previous chairs were a bit bulky and didn't match the scale quite right. I used my middle finger just to show how small it is. Edit: i see now that i forgot one detail Reference link https://www.flickr.com/photos/mark_iliff/25740887074
  6. After 2 coats of linseed oil. The wood color is now a little bit warmer and darker and reflects environment. I used dry brushing method. I applied a little bit of oil to kitchen paper and than used small brush to transfer oil to the wood. I plan to apply 2 more layers tomorrow on larger surfaces, sand them gently and than apply the final layer
  7. Hi Graham, I have no experience with oils, til now i have only used varnish which can be sprayed in very thin layer. But if oil can be aplied and wiped so that it doesn't ruin the detailes i am willing to try that option. I want to give wood nice and warm tone which varnish cannot do.
  8. Thank you @mugje I just finished Nelson's desk. The quill was made from real feather. I added a small diary and left 2 drawers open to make it more interesting. Hope you like it. Question: since it is very small is it a good idea to fininish it with oil? Can I somehow delute tung oil?
  9. Round table. Few more chairs and cabinets during vacation and i can move back to ship when i come home
  10. Thank you @Patrick Haw. I went on a vacation and took a little break from work but did bring some wood and tools with me 😉, modeling is not work right. I saw that vanguard models is selling 3d printed version of furniture so i wanted to see how good i can make the same from wood. Here is my first attempt. I used swiss pear. What do you think?
  11. A little test with second layer. What do you think about beveling the edges of the planks?
  12. After spending a few hours finding the best approach to border the gunports I have decided to add an additional 2 planks from the inside of the gunport to make better support for the lower border and then the rest 3 sides were easy to add. I used the mitre cutter tool for precisely cutting borders and it proved to be a good investment. I highly recommend it.
  13. Lower gunports cut and trimmed to the right dimensions and planked the lower part of the stern. I need to add quarter galleries in order to continue planking up.
  14. Mesured from the inside, measured from the outside at least 2 times. No going back now.
  15. Question: how do you usually make gunports when the deck is narrow? The blueprint suggests C. I tried using gunport blueprint but it is way off so. My ship dimensions are off 1mm from the blueprint so i am marking ports myself. Actually find it a lot of fun. This is the current state of my agi. I have done the sanding and it seems quite smooth. Found only one incorrection that i will need to fill with filler and sand again
  16. Thanks @allanyed. I think you are right. Now that the first layer is finished i think it is safe to trim the first three to the right dimension. But first, sanding, cutting the gunports and then i am moving to the interior. I also plan to do custom version of the agamemnon figurine but all in its time
  17. Does anyone know if this bulkhead width is correct? This would mean that the inner line is not parallel with the outer.
  18. Update, still working on the first layer. Using methods that Chuck explained and adjusting them as suits me. Should be more than good enough forthe first planking layer. I want it to be solid base for the second layer and get the curves right.
  19. I have followed instructions for the upper half. Now i have to figure the best way to plank the rest. Feel free to comment. Edit: just cant get the picture right on my smartphone
  20. Checking bulkheads one more time and adding some width so the planking goes as smooth as it can be. I am suprised that the bulkheads have so much error.
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