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  1. robert952's post in Helping hands troubles was marked as the answer   
    Ah... I see now.  Here's my video and 'solution'. 
    As you can see, if it put a sharp bend to the arm it springs back.  But a more gentle curve stays in place.   Again, I am not sure it answers your question.  But I could at least duplicate your video.  I guess I never really did a sharp bend.  I do note (now that you piqued my curiosity) if I bend the long arms back against a curve - like an S - the spring back is more pronounced.  Again, I guess I never used these much that way.  
    Hope this helps. 
    BTW - a word of thanks.  I have never loaded a vid to YouTube.  I knew from what people said it was not hard.  However, I had just never done it before.  I guess now I can add 'Youtuber' to my CV. 😎
  2. robert952's post in TRADUCTION MESSAGES was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to MSW, @LEFEBVRE
    While the forum guidelines specify English, there is a translate tool built into the Google Chrome browser if someone should post in a different language. 
    To use it you right click on the page you want translated.  There is a translate to English option.  This tool might help you translate English to French as you read the forum threads as you can select which languages to work translate.

    It works quite well even on pages with multiple languages.  I have used it on a page with French, Czech, and German on the same page  The browser translated all of them.  (Even my southern accent translates.  )  Even a Japanese site I visit fairly regularly, the browser translates the page to English though the grammatic structure is strange. However, you can still get the gist of the information.  
    Just a tidbit for those who also peruse websites hosted in different countries. 
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