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Everything posted by GConiglio

  1. The steering wheel, from a brass blind nut (Why waste money for a expensive 1m, 12mm DIA bar?).
  2. Bow scroll painted with 0.7 yellow marker. Could be better, but I'm satisfied. Or not?
  3. Hi Patrick, thank you. it happens that black colour was too glossy and copper red too matt. So I used a transparent matt to have the same effect on both colours. Furthermore, actual new ships were not completely matt but a little bit glossy (See for example Bluenose II). Ciao, Giorgio
  4. Completing hull painting (a little glossy?) and applying name board on the bow chock-rail.
  5. Continuing to work on the cabin trunk. Testing the scroll on the bow with the yellow marker; I can't do better.
  6. David, Nils, thank you. Which paint? Different paints! Humbrol black / white matt. Copper red mixing Humbrol red and black. Being not satisfied, I used a succesive acrilic spray paint. Anyway, I'm planning to buy a air brush for future models! Ciao e grazie. Giorgio
  7. Thank you Jon for your contribution. Yes, there is not a single rule about painting or not. Some time I prefer to leave deck houses oiled, sometime not. In this case there is a half-way. Painting white the deck houses is important for the "historical" aspect: they have to be visible in the night from fisherman moving along the deck. In the meantime some part in natural wood are shown, like small deck roof. Ciao, Giorgio
  8. I think it's better now (still not finished after two weeks!!). Patrick and Mark, thank you for your suggestion. I decided to consider predominant the white colour through the deck as per picture found in internet. In the same time, I like natural wood, so I decided to consider part of the roof in this way. Next challenge is the scroll at bow. Very difficult for me. Ciao, Giorgio
  9. I think cabin trunk is better now (not completed). I wonder if it's better to paint front -rear and side panels white and leave the roof as it is. What do you think?
  10. It's better to rebuild: the cabin trunk is going on (1st pic) , but it is better to rebuild another one as per Fishing Schooner Cavalier (2nd pic), from Mystic Seaport Museum. It is shown at http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/3662-mystic-seaport-models/.
  11. Thank you Patrick for suggesting the Annie Paker build log. Both models so look similar! Different colours in some detail show that is difficult to interpretate the source books. For example, I wonder if the Ingomar gunwale (top of bulwark) is really white or brown as per Annie Parker. What do you think? Ciao, Giorgio
  12. Deck planking. Increasing thickness around masts and bowsprit. Now is time to think to the cabin.
  13. More pictures.... - trying to apply the name board (not definitive!), - main deck and quarter deck.
  14. Thank you Patrick, I'm glad you like my work. Not a perfect job (scuppers are very difficult to do all equal!). I hope to continue better. Ciao! Giorgio
  15. Hi all, I love the fine shape of "Ingomar", a design from the "Indian Headers" series, by Thomas F. Mc Manus. She was built in Essex in 1904 and wrecked in 1936. Sources of this model come from: 1. The American Fishing schooners, by Howard.I.Chapelle, 2. Thomas F.McManus and the American Fishing Schooners, by W.M.P. Dunne, 3. Gloucester Clipper Fishing Scooners, by Erik A.R. Ronnberg Jr, 4. Bluenose II, the saga of the Great Fishing Schooners. The following pictures show the books, lines, and the first building step. Now the model is quite painted and it's time to prepare the deck details. I hope thet someone will'give me some suggestion to continue building in a good way. Thank you. Giorgio. ingomar.bmp
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