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Everything posted by wangshuoliurui

  1. Hello Sinan, Thanks for your compliment.In the making process of the TRITON, I also refer to a book——Conway‘s Anatomy Of The Ship《The 24-Gun Frigate Pandora》&《The Construction And Fitting Of English Man Of War 1650-1850》.According to the content of these books, I again on the original drawings for processing.This job is very interesting, requires a lot of time to think—The basis of archaeological recovery,Ship construction theory,etc.I am a Chinese, to western shipping history knowledge know very little.So in the process of making is sure to appear many mistakes.As a weekend hobbyist,I tried my best to be the best. I think that hands-on practice, is the most important prerequisite for success.I think I made it.
  2. Thanks Augie and Pete38, The ship's making process is untidy,mentality is bad,Impatient for success... When an opportunity arises in the future I will make TRITON again. Thanks again for my old friends and new friends to my support! I am very happy!
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