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Everything posted by Marvy

  1. Either you can overthink something or try to do it without thinking of possible impacts. There is no middle way. For me. At least. Bounty was easy run, here I am facing with difficulties after after mistakes and after difficulties and after... I had two options: remove everything above deck (colums) and redesign the whole upper part or deliver something which can fit to existing set up. I have picked the second one. Anyway this is where Iam now.
  2. Like star wars it has light and dark sides, I thought doing it first on one side will be the hardest but turned out that second side just don't want to be covered. It was a nightmare... now I take a breath, will focus on upper level then correct and finish this as well.
  3. I was on Holiday, which slowed the progress down but here Iam with an update regarding the planking(s):
  4. I am using 'rmg.co.uk' class plans (prints) for the hull & deck, the quality for this scale is enough. Reason: this is the single source of truth, official. I also use anatomy of ship, but just as a reference and to get information about the details (mast heigh etc), but my personal experience that sometimes it isn't accurate enough, so I have to investigate in few cases. Check other models, read articles etc.
  5. Hi Bill, I think you should first identify the areas where you want to upgrade the kit. My personal view, that side windows and boat (s) are definetely can be better if you make it by your own. For those two probably you shouldn't need the anatomy of ship book, as you have the windows (made by lead) as reference and I think boat plans can be found on net. (I also think that those gunports in kit shouldn't be used here).
  6. Hms Pandora Wanted to create a warship, wich has "double decks". Its already in progress, base deck has been applied, now I wondering if I should build the cabin part so you can see furnitures through windows or not... Where I am right now:
  7. Hi, I have recently finished my 1/100 (deck is ~28cm/11inch long) HMS Bounty. This was my very first ship model where I used official bluprints and other sources. The rigging isn't perfect, my apologies for that... Next time believe me I will try a new method to simplify and get standard & perfect result. The reason I do it myself that because I think the ship building should be fun. I bought a kit, but wasnt enjoyed what was in. Nice colored pictures, but without key details, it gave me lots of questions without answers.. So I figured out that I can do it myself, perhaps it will be better than an avarage model, perhaps won't. So here is the bounty, next posts will be about building the Pandora.
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