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About Clive125

  • Birthday 02/15/1945

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  • Location
    Spalding Lincolnshire UK
  • Interests
    Model making, Photography

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  1. Hi Lou, That worked just fine, I've just printed those off and that has helped me out immensely, thank you very much for all that you have done. Thank goodness for forums and very helpful people like yourself. Clive
  2. Hi Lou, Message with email sent. Clive
  3. Hi Asat, Thank you.
  4. Hi, I have just aquired a just started Constructo kit of HMS Pandora everything is there in the box but the previous owner had removed the English translation of the numbered parts list that is in the back of the instruction manual and is unable to find it. I'm wondering if anyone has a copy of this that they can copy and email to me at all. Many thanks Clive
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