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  1. Hello everyone sorry if I took a while I have been busy lately. Thanks for all the information it’s really useful, I didn’t know it would be easier to scale it down then up. Chesapeake light craft is we’re I’ll look if I get a model ship to use as a template. Also Wooden boat magazine/wooden boat store looks like a great resource for accurate full size boat plans that I could scale down. Also I’ll look into building an open rowing boat first since I guess it would be a good idea to learn the planking method first anyways before I go for all the rigging and stuff. Thanks again everyone for answering my questions I know I was a little vague with the description of the boat as I am brand new to model ship building and boats in general but I hope to have fun and learn as much as possible on a small scale as I can before going for a big project. I like the look of schooners and I like the traditional ones like the kind made in the 1700’s and the golden age. They just look really cool to me and I think it would be great if I could actually make one of those even if it’s just a small scale model at first. Also to specify a little more I was wanting to model it after a boat around 30 ft in length and I like the look of schooners and gaff rigs and I want to model it after one that would have been around in the golden age. I was just kind of loosely looking for recommendations on where I might go to find something to get started with to start learning the basics of how they get put together since I am brand new at this so sorry if I sound like a complete newbie because I am 😄I’ll post updates once I refine what I’m looking for a little more.
  2. Hello all I am new to this site and brand new to model ship building. It is my plan to take up model ship building because it seems like a fun hobby but also because I want to learn the basics of the anatomy of a traditional style wooden boat and tall ships on account of I want to build a functional full size sailboat some day when I get the time and money to do so. I am looking to get a scale model of a ship as close to the real thing as possible since like I said I am looking to learn how an actual boat goes together. I recently purchased what I believed to be a scale model boat from Hobbylinc that looked quite realistic on the site, but upon opening the box I realized the keel wasn’t a real keel and that it was just basically designed to look like a ship on the outside like a decoration. And while this may be okay for some model ship builders I want to learn how to build a boat inside and out. So If someone could perhaps give me some links to where I may be able to buy a scale model ship kit like that It would be greatly appreciated. And the boat I was looking to start with would probably be a Schooner type boat. I like the look of a gaff ketch rig for the sails, mainly I just want to make sure I get a real scale model that is designed like the boat it is supposed to be a model of because my plan is to copy each individual part and then put that together instead of the actual kit and just use the kit as a template. After that I’ll scale it up one full size and put that together. I don’t know if anyone has done this before or how difficult it may be but I want to try It before I say I can’t do it haha. Also it may be a while before I can get much of it done since I am an OTR truck driver and can only do it on my home time which isn’t a lot currently But I’ll post updates as I make progress. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help and I look forward to hearing from you.
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