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Schaye Goldcwaig

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  1. Yes, looks very nice with the sails, specially with silkspan.In the mean time will look for that.Thanks.
  2. Hello, I have the artesania latina bluenose ii kit, 20500, old kit, and wondering if someone or somewhere I can get a sewn sails set for that kit. Thanks.
  3. I looked and seems that 1/8 (3mm) split rings are used.Keep looking at the Niagara logs. Thanks, Schaye G.
  4. Hello I am currently building a Model Shipways Niagara.The kit that I have comes with two types of metal split rings, as 5/64” and 3/32”.Need help in how to know when to use each type (size) of split rings, like on the gun carronades, etc.Not seen any information on the plans and/or assembly instructions. Thanks, Schaye G.
  5. Hello, the plans and/or instructions do not specific states the size of the rings.At this moment I do not have a picture of the carronades carriages and carronades, but there is a lot in this group by looking on Model Shipways Niagara, and also on google.Thanks for your words. Schaye
  6. Hello I am currently building a Model Shipways Niagara.The kit that I have comes with two types of split rings, as 5/64” and 3/32”.Need help in how to know when to use each type of split rings, like on the carronade, etc. Thanks, Schaye G.
  7. Hello, I was wondering if there is someone selling a Heller or Airfix 1/100 HMS Victory plastic model kit.I am interested buying one kit. Thanks, Schaye G.
  8. Dr PR Thank you very much for your words, now all is more clear, so I can continue with the building of the model ship. Schaye
  9. Thanks Jaager for your response.In fact with the bulkheads mounted with the reference line alligned with the spine or false keel reference line, the bottom of the bulkheas are well above the rabbet, as on the pictures. The reference lines are from the kit plans. So, once installed the bulkheads in relation to the reference lines, I should not touch the curvature of the top of each bulkhead or should sand them to make them flush with the top of the spine or false keel. Sorry for asking again this, but I am still unclear in this step. Schaye
  10. Hello amateur, as you can see in the pictures if I place a bulkhead down on its slot to be flush with the top of the false keel, then the reference line relationship and aid between the false keel and the bulkheads are in some way lost, and I believe that this could affect the rest of the building specially the parts around and over the bulkead timberheads, but if I place a bulkhead down on its slot and alligned with the respective reference line of the bulkhead and the false keel, there is a small amount of curve part of the bulkhead that get over the top of the false keel.So, which is the correct way to install the bulkheads in relation to the reference lines and the top of the false keel?, If I install them by the reference lines, then later I will have to sand that small part of the bulkheads above the top of the false keel? Thanks for your help Schaye G. The kit is a Model Shipways Niagara
  11. Thanks for your reply, so in my case the bulkheads must be installed in a way that lay flush with the top of the false keel and keep the proportion regarding the bearding line.I also have the concern if by follow your advise at the end those references lines will be affected as so for the installation of the bulkheads and a result effect on the kit? Thanks, Schaye G.
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