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Everything posted by DJB

  1. Hi from Qld Australia My interest and history has been in stages from a young bloke with dads help, to now being semi retired and time on my side. One thing has amazed is with the amount of variety models and products available these days. There's been different builds over time ,though now I'm working building a collection of ships and aircraft involved in the sinking of the Hood and final sinking of the Bismarck. Currently I'm having issues with the 1/350 Trumpeter version HMS Hood ,it is to somehow get a better detailed finish of the deck .,trumpeter have done a good job with the molding of the deck with hatches,anchor chains and bollards etc on timber molded deck. Whats bugging me is isolating the individual e.g hatches and painting these without tape bleed (tamiya tape) or running of the paint. Is there any advice on getting better and accurate detailed results ? This could include a product for masking which is better etc. Cheers and thankyou Doug
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