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Call Me Ishmael

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About Call Me Ishmael

  • Birthday 11/26/1950

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Massachusetts, USA
  • Interests
    History, living history, wood working, metal working, model building, stacking wood, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow.

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  1. I thought I found Dan's spreadsheet, but it turns out it's for USS Constitution 1:96, but close in scale to the Wanderer 1:87. The information is difficult to understand, but I think if I purchase black cord around 0.028 inches in diameter for shrouds, black cord 0.008 inches in diameter for standing rigging, and tan cord 0.008 inches in diameter for running rigging, I'll be in the ballpark. I also looked at the parts lists for two Model Shipways kits, Flying Fish 1:96 and USS Constitution 1:76. As near as I can tell, they both use pretty much the same cord sizes above. Given that 1:87 is between the two models, I hope those cord sizes will get me started. I think I like Syren Ship Model Co.'s cord. Am I on the right track?
  2. Allan--Thank you very much. With the help of my wife the librarian, I think I found the rigging spreadsheet and posted a short biography.
  3. I'm thinking of enjoying social distancing by building an old plastic sailing ship model that I've been saving for such times. It's a very old kit that you might remember, Aurora's whaling ship WANDERER (1966). The scale is a little vague, 1:87 (HO Scale), but my measurements say it's around 1:93. The kit has plastic molded shrouds and ratlines, but I'd like to use thread instead. What diameter cordage should I buy to be scale? Black shrouds? Black standing rigging? Tan running rigging? Thank you.
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