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Martin Amy

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Everything posted by Martin Amy

  1. Good evening all, about a year ago, I inherited a part-built 'Granado' from my deceased son.......I've got into the model over this past six months and am a few weeks away from Masting & Rigging. I'm currently finishing the deck details, such as fitting the canons to the main deck. My first question concerns the rigging of the 10 x 4Ib canon - looking at contemporary illustrations online, a lot of canon are shown fitted with detachable tackles, fitted with a hook at either end of the tackles - does anybody replicate this or do most simply tie off the tails of the tackles to the eye-bolts on the canon/bulwarks? Secondly, my son had bought a couple of scale ship's boats - I suspect that he was planning on creating a diorama rather than installing the boats onboard.........but it raises the question, where would the ship's boats be stowed on 'Granado'? there are no davits that I can see and certainly no chocks [or space] on the deck - does anybody know? I have to say, the Caldercraft kit is superb with some really nice, detailed components. For a beginner, it's been a steep learning curve, but very enjoyable [so far!]. I suspect that the masts & rigging will be a trial as I have hands like Hams! Thanks in advance for any advice.
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