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Posts posted by KMC

  1. Hi, I'm a newbie and have embarked upon building the Caldercraft HMS Snake. This gas a number of sheet brass parts and 18 Carronades, all of which are brass. I have the Admiralty paint set for HMS Snake, which includes a water based ironwork black paint. A number of the brass parts and the Carronades need to be painted black. My question is, how do I prepare the brass for painting? I've read that the brass needs to be prepared with an etch primer before painting but can anyone recommend an etch primer for this. Any tips or tricks for doing this would be greatly appreciated.



  2. Hi all, my first post on this site is a question regarding building the hull of H.M.S. Snake by Caldercraft. This is my first attempt at building a model boat. I have built and flown several RC aeroplane models so am not an absolute novice builder but, a lot of the techniques for building model boats re new to me. My question relates to bearding and rabbet lines in preparation for planking. The instructions for H.M.S. Snake have no reference to to doing this preparation and some of the build logs I’ve read for this particular model do not appear to do this. So am I missing something here? In all the documents I’ve read about this it appears to be an essential step in planking the hull, but not with this model. So if I don’t do this preparation, how can ensue the clean lines on the finished hull? TIA

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