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Everything posted by Sperry

  1. I'd like to know what it sounds like to be inside a ship when it's sailing and when it's moored. What are the sounds from within a ship (in the cargohold, on the different decks, the orlop, as well as the upper decks) while it's sailing? Wood: Can one hear the wood cracking as the ship tilts on it's axis? And if so, how different is this sound on the upper and lower decks? Also, how much can one hear when people are moving within the ship? Can one hear the footsteps of someone walking on a deck above? On a deck below? Water: Could one hear the water flowing around the hull from within? If so, does it sound like a constant low hum, or are their variations? Can one hear waves hitting the hull if standing below the waterline, or are the waves only audible if one is above the waterline? How (if at all) does the sailing speed of the ship determine what one hears from the inside? Wind: Can one hear the ocean wind from within the ship? On which decks? I'd be grateful to have feedback from anyone with experience sailing in old ships, or from any source of literature. Thanks for your time!
  2. I'm currently interested in all that surrounds old ships and maritime culture. I'm attempting to represent to myself some typical elements of "local culture" in dock districts. For example, I found some clues reading Moby Dick, as there are references to customs offices, churches, restaurants and inns. I assume there must have been carpenters and blacksmiths in the district as well? What about translators? What other key buildings, institutions, businesses were essential to docks? Thanks in advance!
  3. This is great, thanks so much!
  4. Hello everyone, and best wishes for 2021! What do we know about the origins of the lifebuoy? I know Da Vinci made sketches, but I was wondering what was actually used on ships before the industrial revolution? I'm especially interested in personal flotation devices before the XVIIth century. Have they always been in the shape of a doughnut, or did they have different shapes? And what materials were they made with? Thanks in advance for your time!
  5. Hello everyone. I'm interested in how docks, ports (merchant, fishing, military...), dockyards, shipyards, dry docks, (or the equivalent) took shape throughout the 16th to the 18th centuries. I'd like to better understand how docks functioned before the industrial revolution (how the docks were organised spacially, speaking of urban planning, or how the different ships were moored, sorted and organised). References, visual (paintings, maps, illustrations, sketches) or written (books, articles, passages in fiction or non-fiction), would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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