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  1. Well done! HMS Godetia was by the way almost exclusevly manned by Belgians in RN service. The Belgian Navy therefore has a vessel by the same name, a logistic support vessel . BNS Godetia, NATO number A960. Over to you! Tjeerd
  2. Perhaps a hint would work. It was the 2nd ship of the same of the name during WW2. Cheers Tjeerd
  3. Aha, you have the class right, its a Flower Class The nasty part is which one? Regards Tjeerd
  4. Enjoy the holidays Eamonn
  5. For all of you who have been waiting, this one is easy - up to a point - There are two more ships with the same name in the last century.
  6. Dear name the ship gamers, sorry about the delay, I was without internet over the weekend. Bear with me, Regards, TJ
  7. Aircraft carrier Akagi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_aircraft_carrier_Akagi
  8. An afterthought... Unless you wanted to point at a ship called Washington Cheers, TJ
  9. Now you have me totally flummoxed. (1) The flag you show was the continental navy flag from 1775 (2) Commercial vessels with a nelson pattern were obviously post 1805 - most famously the blackwall frigates of 1840-1850, although this one looks more like very early 19th century. Perhaps your ship has the same name as a ship from the original Continental Navy? Cheers, TJ
  10. You have it! Congratulations Your turn...
  11. Apologies about the wait. My expectation is that it will be easy! Enjoy TJ
  12. One last try, HMS Active, reputedly the last RN square rigged ship to leave Plymouth under sail, and sister ship.to HMS Volage?
  13. Hi, It looks like a steam frigate of the Diadem class, HMS Diadem 1856 or its sister HMS Doris? 1857. I cannot guess the unique achievent, but it did have breech loading guns. I am clueless whether these were a novelty back then. Tjeerd
  14. I have seen this picture before. Don't have the time to follow it though. I think it may be one of those old trustworthy ships linking remote places, somehwere Nordic I presume. Perhaps between Finland and Sweden.... Or possibly Canada/Alaska. Good luck all, Tjeerd
  15. You have it Danny
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