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  1. ODDS

    Good morning,


    Not sure if you are still active on this site. I am presently building model of Gertrude L. Thebaud and would like to share info on build.





    IMG_9157 (2).JPG


    1. TMAN


      Sure I'd be happy to. I completed my model a while back. It's nice to see someone else building this classic old model. I got mine sometime in the (mid to late) 1990's, but didn't work on it for some time after March 2000. I know I finished it prior to March 2017. Unfortunately I did not maintain a build log. Reach out any time... 


    2. ODDS


      Glad to see you are still checking this site. I was just hoping to see someone else's work for inspiration on this build. I've made progress, slow at times, and am now working on the running rigging. I finally chose to use paper / silkspan for the sails after making a set of Jumbo, Jib and Balloon Jib out of cloth. I've set the Jumbo and Jib, now starting on the Balloon Jib. These are just some photos of the work in progress...any tips or photos that you'd like to share?



    3. TMAN


      HI ODDS,

      I'd love to put pics of my completed THEBAUD on the Forum, but I don't know how. I'll get my nephew to help me. You're doing an incredible job on yours. It looks like the same vintage model as mine but mine came with actual "blue" print plans.

      I didn't do sails...I never have so I can't remark on them. Guys in my Long Island Ship Model Society made them and I don't remember what materials they used and they always looked great. A lot of guys color sails in an off- white. I believe that Tom Lauria addresses using dyes on sails. You can check him out on YouTube under "Model Ship Building" topics. 

      Again, as soon as I can, I'll try to post some pics.



  2. Allan, Thanks for the note regarding Chapelle's American Fishing Schooners 1825-1935. I too have the same love / hate relationship regarding the lack of a useful index; but I do love the details and graphics. I've been using this and other source material for a long time, schooners being a particular favorite subject. Thanks again, ODDS
  3. Hello TMAN, I also have and am working on a model of the Gertrude L Thebuad, by Marine Model Co., Inc. The kit is labelled 'Model No. 1090' and like you I plan on using only the hull portion of the kit. I plan on scratch building all the remaining (necessary) components, with emphasis on creating a higher detailed out come. I would be interested in seeing photos of your build and was wondering if you have posted them on NRG or some other site. Regards, ODDS
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