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  1. Garth: I found your log very informative. This is my first ship build ever at 76 yrs of age. Yes, the instructions are very sparse but thanks to the plans my kit is coming along. I took your advise on the distancia pieces for the hull framework. I am having a bit of trouble deciphering the sizes. With some help I found ou they use the metric scale so that was a help. But their are some sizes I am having trouble with....maybe you can help me? Some sizes I am having trouble converting are...... 0, 5x3 1, 5x4 What I am looking for? Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks Norman email address chaltun@verizon.net
  2. Hi! ...and thanks guys for the quick response. Here is a sampling of the confusion: some parts have a measurement as 6x11x72, 1x4 some show a distance between 2 points as 60 There are no commas between any of the numbers Normy
  3. Help! I am 76 yrs old and trying to build my first ship kit. Why at my age I'm attempting this project beats me, I was studying the plans today, which leaves a lot to be desired, I come across my first problem. Probably I'm ignorant but how do you convert these italian measurements into inches? Kindly help me. Many Thanks. Norman
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