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  1. Hi everyone, My name is Hugo and I just found what I can call an old schooner yatch made by my grandfather. I found it in the attic while cleaning the house before selling it... My grandfather was a fisherman from Nova Scotia and died almost 20yrs ago at the respecful age of 103yrs old leaving behind him all kinds of things related to sailing and fishing. I would like to keep this little yatch and maybe restore it. I would like to know what you guys think? It has nothing to do with money and Im aware that this model doesnt worth anything but it would look very good In our living room. As I want to keep it as originial as possible I can see the paint could be redone as well as the sail which turned yellow pretty badly. The whole thing seems perfectly functional the governor and sails move freely. So were should I stop. The only ship I can think of when I see it is the Bluenose... It would make sense as my grandfather and the original Bluenose comes from the same place. Ive seen a couple pictures of the Bluenose and Bluenose II and it defenately look like it! Tell me your impression on what I should do or not to keep most of its antique look while making it presentable. As you can see I didnt even clean the thing so this is the real first step! Thanks alot Hugo
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