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Everything posted by Grffin

  1. Thanks to Ccoyle, Ron, and Louie de fly for taking the time and responding to my msg. I'm not really thinking I would actually find this particular ship, but have to ask. Will try and find a similar designed ship. I'll look at the Mayflower designs and see how they work for me. There was not a really good picture of the Griffin but at least I get an idea for size. Again, thanks for responding. I have just started looking and also since this is my first ship model need to keep somewhat simple in building. Take care. Tom.
  2. Good afternoon to whom I am writing. In 1634 my family came from England to America on a ship named Griffin. I am trying to find a wood model of this ship if one exists. It would be fun building something that has a reason to exists in my home. Should someone know of another ship close in appearance, I would possibly be interested. I'm sure there are not models of all older ships. Please provide me contact information. Thanking you in advance. Tom W. Sisson
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