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Posts posted by elrojo99

  1. Thanks for this question as I have not gotten to this point yet! I did notice J26 on page “C” of the rigging plan shows this piece is “made” from 3x5x25 lime wood. So I guess we need to create the “Euphroe” as mentioned earlier by Alan (thanks Alan!).

    FYI - I’m a rookie at modeling and this is only my second Occre build. I also found the rigging the most difficult to follow and understand. I picked up a couple books on rigging in hopes I will better understand the different rigging and how it’s actually used and maybe I’ll be less confused! It’s definitely a learning process.  You might also check out some of the builds on this site and on YouTube.


  2. Hey all - this is my first post so I hope I have the correct forum etc.

    I’m recently retired and a rookie model builder and working on my second kit - Occre Corsair with my first being a Bluenose model. Both have been a learning experience with lots a stupid mistakes and rework.

    While I have not decided if I like the ship models with or without sails I figured that since the kit came with finished sails I would at least attempt rigging them.

    I find the instructions for this kit to be limited for my skill & experience. There are no actual written instructions regarding the rigging of the sails - only a few diagrams such as shown below.

    The diagrams are for both the main & foremasts and the numbers pointing to the lines refer to the belaying pins on another diagram. (266-275) would be 266-foremast 275-main. I’m ok for the red lines & masts.


    My problem is I do not know how - or if the BLUE rigging line’s are actually attached to sails - and if so how are the attached?

    Example - 266-275 appears on the top passes through the mid-sail block and splits into two lines? (Sorry still trying to get the terminology).

    Anyway - does anyone have pictures on how this part of the rigging is done?  The pics from Occre are not detailed enough or too blurred when enlarged. 

    I know this is a fictional ship - so there is no real standard. But I am trying to learn and understand what the correct or recommend process from those who know and not just make it up.image.png.0d510c0e53d0e097e3488685df8ee407.png




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