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Everything posted by penichette

  1. Next is to put all this things into my boat. I had to start with the servos. After that, I had to construct a bracket for the engine. And fix it on the right place in the boat. Nico
  2. The last piece before I start with the electronics is the lamp. I could order two pieces for the Riva Aquarama (KricKshop). In combination they look like the real lamp: The pieces on the Riva Aquarama: Nico
  3. The cross-hatch pattern is easy to do: The finish is done with varnish for cars. Before I have done a undercoating with Acrüpox in 3 steps, painting and sanding (3 times). The last time sanding was wet with a corn of 1000. Nico
  4. Thanks for the compliments. Now to the rest of the doors: Nico
  5. At the moment there is no electronic in the boat. I fixed the motor only to see, how the boat is looking, when it’s completed. But I have some pictures of the motor and the provisional installation of the servos. Nico
  6. Hello Greg, No, it was no kit, I could buy the motor over Ebay. I think it's a very rare piece. I never saw it again in Ebay and it's also not possible to find some thing about it in the internet. I am very happy about this motor, it's just the correct one for my boat. Nico
  7. Hello Michael, My English is not good enougth to explane the whole process. I have found a link where they are talking about Nibore. I think it's the same thing. I ordered my Nibor powder in Switzerland. http://www.balesmold.com/nibore.htm Nico
  8. Next step: I will nickel-plate the frame of the front window. The first thing is to polish every thing. After that I had to clean the parts with sodiumhydroxide 10 % and hydrochloric acid 10 % After this procedure I put every thing in my NIBOR bath to get it nickel-plate. Together with other parts my boat is now looking like this: Nico
  9. @ Carl, the material of the window is Lexan (polycarbonate). OMG means "oh my god". Next things are the curtains. I use the same cloth as for the canopy. By the way the Riva Aquarama scale 1:10 (Gallery of COMPLETED Scratch-built models) is my boat. I was driving the boat, while Roger took some really nice pictures. Nico
  10. Next thing is the roof itselve. I willmake only a dummy. Tho whole one would give big sausage of textile. Nico
  11. To catch the holes in the frame of the window, a roof is just the right thing. Nico
  12. Thank's for the compliments. Next thing is the windshield. I am using a messing profile for the frame. But first I will post once again the building of the windowpane. Nico
  13. The work with the chrom stripes is finished. Nico
  14. Next things are the chrom strips. I could order it in the Krick shop (Beschlagteile Riva Aquarama). Nico
  15. Next are the windows on the side. Here I can glue the Lexan between the mahogany walls. All the windows are in place. Nico
  16. It's time for the windows. I beginn with the small windows in the front of tha cabine. I take rails of trains miniatures (Märklin) to do the frame of the window. To get a perfect fit for the window, I build them first in wood. And finally with Lexan. Nico
  17. Next step is the sliding roof. The problem is to find the right glue (lexan with wood). Glue for plastic kits went well. Nico
  18. I will start with the last pictures of my old post: The part before is not lost. You will be able to find all the pictures it in this Forum (http://www.rc-schiffe.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=22450&page=1) but it is in german. Nico
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