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  1. QUESTION ABOUT COLORING METAL - My first build. I'm building my first wood model ship (Galeotta Greca from Amati) - 1/65 scale. I plan to leave it unpainted, varnished wood. The white metal gun carriage pieces don't look like wood and need coloring. The brass of the cannons are too 'golden' and shinny... real cannons would have a very dark patina I would think. I know I could paint them, but at such a small scale, even the slightest uneven build up would ruin the piece. I'm experimenting using wood stain (dark oak since that's all I have), and the first coat seems to be doing a good job... other coats to follow. QUESTION: Other than painting, what is a recommended process for aging and darkening metal parts that would have a usage and weathering patina.
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