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  1. Stevinne's post in Process for doing a second planking on the hull was marked as the answer   
    I usually use a combination of CA and carpenter's glue on the second planking. I use a small amount of ca at points to start the attachment, then a run of carpenter's glue. I run my plank shaper over the glued section once it's in place - it speeds up the drying process. Then I will use another dot of ca, some more carpenter's glue and continue the run. I find that for me, this works well, especially when I am trying to line up the planks along the curves of the bow and stern. One issue I find with CA and the second-layer is that if you get any spillover onto the exterior, it is very difficult to remove without staining the wood.
  2. Stevinne's post in Securing Ropes Wrapped Around Masts was marked as the answer   
    I use a technique I learned wrapping the windings on my fly rod - I make a loop of thin monofilament that I put up against the wood as I wrap the windings. When I get to the top of the wrap, I put the thread in the loop and pull the loop down until the end of the thread is hanging out the bottom of the winding, gently pull it tight and then cut off the bit that's showing
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