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Thomas Murphy

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Everything posted by Thomas Murphy

  1. The Pélican was a French warship launched in January 1693. It was fitted with 50 guns and commanded by Captain Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville,(also captain of the Soleil d'Afrique, 1687-88) who was born born outside of Montreal. In 1697 hearing that the English were planning to take control of Hudson Bay, French King Louis XIV assembled a fleet under Le Pelican. The goal was to recapture York Factory, Manitoba, the heart of the fur trade. On the morning of 5 September 1697 in Hudson Bay temporarily separated from her sister ships, she came face to face with three English ships – the Hampshire, the Dering, and the Hudson Bay – which were carrying supplies to the nearby fort. Although they were outnumbered, the crew of the Pelican engaged in battle and triumphed. The ship, however, was fatally damaged in the battle. With holes below the waterline, Pélican had to be abandoned.The Pélican's victory, later known as Battle of Hudson's Bay, was certainly due in large part to the leadership of Captain Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville. In addition to setting an example of courage and valour for his crew, he fought a remarkable strategic battle – with the result that the Hampshire sank, the Dering retreated, and the Hudson Bay was captured.
  2. I just finished mine..also from an old kit…I used part of a display name plate which I fitted on from another kit.
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