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Everything posted by Figtrz

  1. I'm not sure where to put this. I'm a beginner, so don't flame me if I get it wrong. This is a complete build. I started with tlevine's half-hull project and created the opposite half of the frame to make a complete hull. Last summer I posted photos somewhere on this website. So now the ship--I suppose it could be labelled a scratch build--is finished. Since the hull project seemed 1750-1800ish in form, I used the Halifax and Sultana to generally guide me in my first project. I learned a huge amount going at it with hammer and tongs without benefit of plans. So here she is, and thanks much to the Half-Hull Project to get me started.
  2. Hello from a new member, My 'teaching assistant' will be the half hull project with the excellent online instructions and commentary. My background in modeling consists of a few solid half hulls--two from kits, one I carved--and radio-controlled airplanes. I thought I'd go after this one hammer and tongs and make the half-hull into a complete ship model. I doubled the keel members and cut out an additional set of ribs from correspondingly thick basswood, the process providing me with a great excuse for buying a scroll saw. Not sure how it will go, but here are a few pics.
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