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Dr Syn

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Everything posted by Dr Syn

  1. Thanks all, learning all the time. Thanks for the sketch, didn't someone famous say "a picture is worth a thousand words"
  2. Hi all, i've just perused the marvelous spreadsheet Period Ship Scale Tables and would like to ask a beginners question. Is the calculated mast length the total from one end to the other of that particular stick or is it say from the main deck to the top. And another query on sequence of shroud builds. I see everywhere that the complete mast with all the tops,tressles and upper masts are assembled before fitting shrouds. Why aren't the shrouds fitted after a tressle/crosstree is fixed to that particular mast, and then place the platform on after shrouds are on, then work your way up to the top in a similar fashion . I would have thought it would be easier to make a pair of shrouds on the bench then slip it over the top and add the platform and topmast after? Keep safe Mick
  3. Wow, some fish. We have nothing that size around the UK now, overfishing by foreign boats for the last 50yrs
  4. Thanks for that Allen, I'll look up the plans. And thanks for all the info on the other things. I moved to Yorkshire many moons ago from Kent, I used to fish out of the Marsh, Hythe, Folkestone, and when I bought a Wayfarer in Yorkshire I named it Dr.Syn for the connection. I now have a leisure 22 and after 8 yrs with it have decided to rename it Dr.Syn next year when I get back over to it. And yes I'd recommend the books. I'm not keen on the first film but do like the Disney one with Patrick Mcgoohan Are you on the Marsh by any chance. Keep safe Mick
  5. Ps, thanks for the offer of the drgs, but as I'd already rigged the foremast I'm going to keep these the same even if they are not historically correct. The info on the gratings and battens is all new to me, thanks Keep safe Mick
  6. Thank you everyone for the info. This is my 6th boat since covid started. I started off with a simple beach boat, then a junk, a dhow, and Slocum's Spray, all scratch including the latest two, Inglemanland and the Mordaunt , the only thing I bought was chain, paint, basswood sheet for the second planking and thread to make my own rope. I learnt a lot each time and tried not to make the same mistakes. I've nearly finished this one so maybe I'll get the next historically correct as well, even if the design isn't an exact match because I don't use proper plans. Thanks again Mick (Dr. Syn)
  7. Thanks for that Allan, yes, sorry it's the 1681 ship not 18c. I'd assumed that because the drg I found of the bitts had 4 holes in the bottom then it was attached to a block above it. Here's the plan I'm using and it shows a block above the bitt. The photo is my build so far
  8. Hi All, can anyone point me to a picture or diagram of how the main yard hoisting tackle on a 18c ship was attached at the deck. I can find loads of photos of the top end at the crosstrees but nothing at deck level. I am trying to scratch build HMS Mordaunt (my version LOL) using pictures and what plans I can find on the net but it is not clear how they work. The "posts" either end of the pin rails in front of the mast show two pulleys at the base so I assume a double sheave block would be above it. But as the pin rail protrudes over one side, wouldn't this foul on the rope tackle, or am I missing something.
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