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Everything posted by MarkS

  1. Well I'm not off to a great start. I've been sick for the past few days and didn't want to work on the boat until I felt better. So far I have managed to bust 2 of the frames, they are so fragile. I got some new wood and have been trying to learn how to cut new pieces out of the wood and shaping it so down the road it will be easier. I managed to break the stern holder in half.... ooops.... I got a new piece of wood ow wood, traced and cut out a new piece and fixed that. At about the time I fixed that, the hull section got knocked and the stern piece snapped off.. uuurrgghhh I want to scream Once I get things squared away I'll take some pics.... Mark.
  2. Hi everyone. This is my very first build with wooden ships eve. My model expirence with plastic cars when I was a kid was extreamly limited. I'll post each step along with pics of my learning. I hope everyone enjoy this and learns from my mistakes. Thanks Mark
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