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Everything posted by ChazG

  1. Humm I wish i had used PVA ! Started using UHU as recommended in the build instructions. Not good ! The UHU was quite hard to apply - quite "gummy" and stringy" and the card delaminated a bit and the glue seemed to "wet" the surface - so teeny trace of warp. And the glue dried too fast while trying to fit many small fiddly pieces. Was I using the right UHU I ask - just UHU all purpose? I had the sense to stop , disassembly was mostly easy . Let things settle then a touch of acetone released the joints that were harder stuck . So try again tomorrow, but with a somewhat diluted PVA rather than UHU. I think that will better suit my personal application, assembly and adjustment speed. But this paper model approach is sucking me in !! I need to remember it was an assessment method to help select a suitable wooden Kit. For a few pounds well worth wile and cheap fun ! But this scale is FAR too small so I will have to head to 1/64. I see Billings still do Lilla Dan - my first ever build whch must have been some 40 years ago - how time flies ! What do people think of that kit _ i know Billings are not a hugely highly rated maker but nostalgia plays a part !
  2. I am having real grief with fingers and eyesight in cutting out the quite tiny parts, tried a gun or two as an experiment. Just found Catopowers Wolf build - all paper laser cut at that scale. One is tempted!! Another learning feature is that these models seem to need a lot of painting for edges etc . I just had not realised .
  3. At this cheap end of the market the instructions are not totally clear to a newbie in the field - bit like plastic model visual method. But I think I have figured the issues by dry building. It transpires that they give the parts which are laser cut for the hull AGAIN on the main sheet, so they can be ignored. But on the same sheet are many parts which need to be laminated and used. And it took me a while to figure that the build has a double main deck - one plain paper part 3 (with the number missing !!) and a very pretty printed deck part 21 - both laminated to .5mm . I also did some strength testing by dropping the dry build several times and can report its very resilient. I was very impressed by how well the laser cut parts fitted. Really great fun as Grandpa says. So over the weekend some gluing I think !
  4. Well started this build - not at all what I expected. Quite intriguing. Anyway dry fitted the keel and frames went together very nicely. Its all VERY SMALL !! I have obtained the card for the further parts (which I was a bit surprised wasnt in the kit )and awaiting the spray adhesive to laminate the card. I would have happily paid a bit more for a few sheets of card of the correct thickness without the faff of lamination. But its a much more interesting little project than I was expecting. Nice to discover something new !
  5. ah ok - I see - I shall !
  6. I suppose i really should change this to a log even it is only going to be short one !
  7. Thanks to all and especially to Chris, I have downloaded the card build guides which seem great and found some art paper folders I had which have close to the required card thickness as backing. So I will see how i get on, but this was not supposed to be a project in itself just as a sort of guide to selecting a wooden kit and remind myself of the "parts" of a wooden sailing ship. But I may be seized , however I really do suspect that the VAST quantity of small paper bits to handle may not play to my strengths !! But anyway I shall give it a try and see. Meanwhile, any suggestions as to a wooden kit will be welcome. As I say I am quite good with small pieces of thin timber from my marquetry endeavours. I was seeking quite a small build , mainly for space reasons, and am a great fan of Hornblower novels. A vessel with guns is not a basic requirement , I would be happy with or without.
  8. Just joined. Modelled ships many many years ago - mostly Billings, went onto aircraft and Marquetry but now have been promised a nice ship wood kit for my Birthday. Got very enthusiastic but wasnt sure about what size to chose. So thought i would try a cheap card one see whats what, expecting to knock it up in a day or two . Did not quite work out like that I had not realised that at the cheap end of the market you had to supply much of your own card. So can I start with a simple query, I am doing Shipyards Coureur, can I just use any 1mm or thereabouts card from an art shop or are there any recommendations.
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